As of today – Tuesday evening 3 Nov – the details of England’s impending lockdown are still being finalised with the proposed new lockdown measures due to start on Thursday. The latest statement from the Bishops Conference is at:
So, as things stand, tomorrow’s Midday Mass (Wednesday) will be the last Mass to be celebrated at West Grinstead until Sunday 6th Dec (Advent 2). Any change to this situation will be posted here ASAP.
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Sunday 1st November at 10.30 Sung Mass: The Solemnity of All Saints
Mass Intention: The repose of the souls of the three Catholics brutally murdered recently, in Notre Dame Basilica, Nice, and for the Orthodox priest shot yesterday at his church in Lyon.
Second collection: Retired Priests Fund
Sunday 1st November at 3pm: Annual Graveyard Mass followed by the Blessing of Graves. Sadly however, owing to Covid, this cannot be followed by the customary refreshments afterwards.
Mass Intention: The repose of the souls of those buried in our graveyard.
Monday 2nd November at 12 Noon: Holy Mass for All Souls. Mass Intention: The souls in purgatory who have no-one to pray for them.
Wednesday 4th November: at 12 Noon: St Charles Borromeo, Bishop
Mass Intention: The continuation of Holy Mass during the current pandemic.
To view or download Bishop Richard’s Podcast on the Solemnity of All Saints please click on: –
St John the Evangelist,Horsham offers live streaming on its website, and via Facebook. Just click on this website link and scroll down to the live link:
There is live streaming throughout the day, and especially at 12 Noon each day from the National Catholic Shrine at Walsingham (our ‘big sister’ Marian Shrine):
Live Mass is also streamed from St Mary of the Angels, Worthing at 10.30am SUNDAY & 10.00am Weekdays (7.30pm Wednesdays). Go to:
An Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as being already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.
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Daily Readings – please click on:
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