As of today – Thursday 5 Nov – the Government has imposed lockdown on our churches – up to and including 2 December. Please click on the link at the bottom of this page for the corresponding statement from the Bishops Conference.
Thus, during this period, sadly our church will only be open for private prayer – including Confessions from 11.30 – on Wednesdays from 11.15am until 12.45pm.
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St John the Evangelist,Horsham offers live streaming on its website, and via Facebook. Just click on this website link and scroll down to the live link:
There is live streaming throughout the day, and especially at 12 Noon each day from the National Catholic Shrine at Walsingham (our ‘big sister’ Marian Shrine):
Live Mass is also streamed from St Mary of the Angels, Worthing at 10.30am SUNDAY & 10.00am Weekdays (7.30pm Wednesdays). Go to:
An Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as being already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.
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Daily Readings – please click on:
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Please remember the sick and housebound in your prayers at this time: Sick clergy of the Diocese including Fr Stephen Purnell, Fr. Ray Blake, Fr Peter Andrews, Reverend Canon Colin Wolczak, Sr Zita. Ann O’Donoghue, Patrick Brennan, Sheila Budgen, Callum, John Challis, Maya Connolly, Jim Chambers, Sharon Chambers, Justine, Shane Fahy, Aila Figura, Joshua Hayter, Norbert & Patricia Mallet, George Peach, Paschal Radford, John Burke, Glynis Taylor, Charlotte Walker, Sue Batstone, Sharon Bean, Laura Rawlinson (Walshe), Michela Urbanelli, Liz Burridge, Nigel Nicoll.
To view or download Bishop Richard’s Podcast on the Solemnity of All Saints please click on: –
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Press release for English Marian Shrines
Radio Maria England presents its new series on ENGLISH MARIAN SHRINES.
Catholic internet radio station, RADIO MARIA ENGLAND, recently launched its new autumn schedule. Among its new programmes is ENGLISH MARIAN SHRINES. Presenter, Lucia Watson, introduces various holy Marian Shrines in our country. Yes, you’ve heard of Lourdes, yes you’ve heard of Walsingham, but DID YOU KNOW of the many other shrines scattered throughout our country?
Tune in for our broadcasts: Sun 18:30, Tue 16:30, Sat 02:30, Sat 20:30 Duration: 30 minutes
11.10.20 Shrine of Our Lady of Grace, Ipswich – Fr. John Thackray and Jean Johnson. They share the dramatic story of our Lady of Grace and the connection with the Italian town of Nettuno.
18.10.20 Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary & St Dominic, Haverstock Hill, London – Lynne Leeder and Fr Toby Lees. Listen to the history of the shrine, the addition of the Mysteries of Light Garden and the exciting plan they have for the future of the Parish.
25.10.20 Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden, Harlesden, London– Fr Stephen Willis. Find out why the parishioners would donate golden wedding rings to the parish and how the statue (which was made out of the oak tree in the garden of the parish) was crowned by Cardinal Griffin at Wembley Stadium, in front of 94000 people.
1.11.20 Shrine of Our Lady of Doncaster- Pauline Allan who is the Guardian of the Shrine. Ever wondered what the job of a Guardian of the Shrine entails? Pauline tells us about its amazing garden, and how they aim to bring back the importance of pilgrimage to this Shrine.
8.11.20 Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead- Geoff Callister. He usually gives the pilgrims various talks about the Shrine. Tune in to listen to some interesting facts about the secret chapel located in the Priest’s House.
Listen online via our website or through the Radio Maria World Family app, or alternatively via DAB+ in Greater London or DAB in Cambridgeshire and the surrounding areas:
Website: www.RadioMariaEngland.UK
Follow us on Facebook:
Instagram: @radiomariaengland
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Please click on the following for the Horsham and West Grinstead 2020 SVP report and appeal poster, noting that where the poster mentions ‘Parish Office’ and ‘… bucket’, it is referring to St John’s Horsham:
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