Sunday 18th October at 10.30 – Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time: World Mission Day. Mass Intention: George Pokombil RIP Second Collection: World Mission Sunday – MISSIO.
Wednesday 21st October: at 12 Noon: Feria in Ordinary Time Week 29. Mass Intention: Pio Frendo Cumbo R.I.P.
This year, World Mission Sunday falls on 18th October. On this day the whole Church unites in prayer for its missionary activity and in collecting funds to support Catholic communities across the world living in situations of poverty and privation. The need is even greater this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in countries with inadequate financial and medical resources.
All donations go to the Universal Solidarity Fund in order to meet the spiritual and material needs of peoples and Churches throughout the world.
For more information about World Mission Sunday, please visit Bishop Richard’s current podcast –
Although congregational singing is not yet permitted, in recognition of our Marian Shrine the schola will sing a Marian, recessional chant at the end of each Sunday Mass. In addition the schola will now sing the set Entrance Antiphon – as chant – in English, which you can follow in your Missal.
To assist Track and Trace, on arrival at church, we now have an automatic ‘QR’ scanning facility to use – if you have a ‘Smart-phone’. You can enable the app on your phone from:
For the latest COVID guidance, please click on the ‘Download this week’s Newsletter’ link, at the bottom of this page.
On-line Masses – weekly and Sunday – continue to be offered from several churches in our diocese (and beyond). Please click on the link at the bottom of this page – ‘Download this week’s Newsletter’ – for access to those links.
During lock-down, we would like to say a huge THANK YOU to the many of you who have already donated financially in different ways – directly on-line or via the diocesan ‘JustGiving’ facility.
Do please continue with your generosity, but now that lock-down is easing, we would urge you to consider setting up a Standing Order as an alternative to our Sunday ‘plate collections’. This is always the most convenient method for planned giving (for all concerned) – already used by so many of us at West Grinstead – and it is vitally important at this time, when the Church’s income has diminished considerably. Regular Standing Orders can be for any amount, no matter how small – just please give what you can afford. This is a golden opportunity to express our sincere thanks for our God-given faith, and for our beautiful, unique Shrine Church and community. Pope Francis said ‘Generosity enlarges the heart’, and we are most grateful indeed for your generosity of heart.
To set up a Standing Order, please contact Steve Scallan or Geoff Callister via email:, or phone Kate or Susan at the Priest’s House on 01403 710273.
Alternatively, if you prefer, cheques in lieu of plate collections can be sent to the presbytery: Priest’s House, Park Lane, West Grinstead, Horsham, RH13 8LT. They should be made payable to ‘RCD A&B Our Lady of Consolation’.
Finally, the JustGiving process is still active: Just click on the link:
It is a very simple process, but it is important to state the name of our parish – ‘Our Lady of Consolation & St Francis, West Grinstead’ – in the comments field, to ensure donations end up with the parish. Also, JustGiving defaults to a suggested ‘platform fee’ of an extra 15%, but this can be reset to any amount down to zero.
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