Sunday 25th October at 10.30 – Votive Mass of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales – On the Fiftieth Anniversary of their Canonisation   Mass Intention: The repose of the souls of the deceased benefactors of the Shrine.  

Please click on the following link  – to print off, or view on your mobile device in church – a special, comprehensive MASS-SHEET for this Mass. Note, this Mass-sheet has a  DIFFERENT SET OF READINGS etc TO THOSE IN YOUR MISSAL FOR THE THIRTIETH SUNDAY: Download this Sunday’s Mass-sheet for the special Fiftieth Anniversary of the Canonisation of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales


Wednesday 28th October: at 12 Noon: Ss Simon and Jude, Apostles.

Mass Intention: Liz and Ruth Malone

For a background to the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales, and this Sunday’s special Anniversary Votive Mass, please visit:

To download Bishop Richard’s special Pastoral Letter, please click on: – Download Pastoral Letter

Please note that our Annual Graveyard Mass will take place as usual – on Sunday 1 November at 3pm, but, sadly, without the customary refreshments afterwards. However, the Blessing of Graves will follow the Mass as usual
 We would like to express great thanks to John, Chris, and James Dobbe for such splendid work in the grounds recently – including a brand new shrub/flower bed near the 5-bar gate to the paddock, and the removal of a considerable quantity of rubbish – including hardcore – from the Pilgrim’s Way, in a sizeable skip.
Just a reminder that the clocks go back THIS SATURDAY/SUNDAY (24/25 Oct)
Please see our JOINT WEEKLY NEWSLETTER WITH ST JOHN’S, HERE (which also lists the Sunday Mass readings in advance, on the final page):
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Please remember the sick and housebound in your prayers at this time: Sick clergy of the Diocese including Fr Stephen Purnell,  Fr. Ray Blake, Fr Peter Andrews, Reverend Canon Colin Wolczak, Sr Zita. Ann O’Donoghue, Patrick Brennan, Sheila Budgen, Callum, John Challis, Maya Connolly, Jim Chambers, Sharon Chambers, Justine, Shane Fahy, Aila Figura, Joshua Hayter, Norbert & Patricia Mallet, George Peach, Paschal Radford, John Burke, Glynis Taylor, Charlotte Walker, Sue Batstone, Sharon Bean, Laura Rawlinson (Walshe), Michela Urbanelli, Liz Burridge, Nigel Nicoll.

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On-line Masses – weekly and Sunday – continue to be offered from several churches in our diocese (and beyond):

St John the Evangelist,Horsham offers live streaming on its website, and via Facebook. Just click on this website link and scroll down to the live link:

There is live streaming throughout the day, and especially at 12 Noon each day from the National Catholic Shrine at Walsingham (our ‘big sister’ Marian Shrine):

Live Mass is also streamed from St Mary of the Angels, Worthing at 10.30am SUNDAY & 10.00am Weekdays (7.30pm Wednesdays). Go to:


An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus,

I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things,

and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as being already there

and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You.



Daily Readings – please click on:

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