Coronavirus update

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, so many aspects of our lives must change. This includes the ways in which we publicly express our faith. It is very clear that, following official advice and in order to keep each other safe, save lives and support the NHS, at this time we must not gather for public acts of worship in our churches. This will begin from Friday evening, 20th March 2020, until further notice.

However Fr Aaron will be present at the church entrance to greet parishioners on Sunday morning (22nd) for a while from 10am.

Also, please click on the ‘Newssheet’ link here, to download a comprehensive message from Fr Aaron.

 In the meantime: Live Mass is streamed from St Mary of the Angels, Worthing at 10.30am SUNDAY & 10.00am Weekdays (7.30pm Wednesdays). Go to:


Also, live Mass is streamed at the following times from Sacred Heart Church, Hove: Monday: 10:00am; Tuesday: 10:00am; Wednesday: 8:00am; Thursday: Noon; Friday: 8:00am; First Saturday of the Month: Noon; Saturday: 6:00pm;                                          Sunday: 9:30am and 11:30am

Please visit


Finally, there is a streaming at 12 Noon each day from the Catholic Shrine at Walsingham:




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