Please note the extra Mass this week on Thursday at Noon, celebrating The Ascension of the Lord – a Holy Day of Obligation.
The Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation of West Grinstead – HOME
Part of the Catholic Diocese of Arundel & Brighton
Please note the extra Mass this week on Thursday at Noon, celebrating The Ascension of the Lord – a Holy Day of Obligation.
Preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and the Eucharist for the first time can be one of the most important and memorable experiences parents share with their children. This Sunday (19th May), we shall all – as our Eucharistic Community – be welcoming Emily Kissane into full Communion with The Church when she receives her First Holy Communion at the 10.30 Mass.
On this Wednesday (15th May), Fr Sean Finnegan will be leading a parish pilgrimage from his church: Sacred Heart, Caterham. We have further pilgrimages during the next month, on Sat 18th May (from Our Lady and St Joseph, London E8), and on 12th June, the Diocesan Grandparents Pilgrimage with Bishop Richard. As details are finalised for these and other events, they are added to the ‘Events page’ on our website at:
Today (Sunday 5th May) please extend a warm welcome to Fr Aaron Spinelli, our newly- appointed Parish Priest as he celebrates our 10.30 Mass, for the first time since his appointment. He will then stay on for a light snack and to meet as many parishioners as possible – especially those he hasn’t already met.