Please see the notice on this week’s Newssheet about the Kerala floods SVP appeal, and remembering that some of our regular parishioners were originally from that region. Please pray for them.

Please remember that any last-minute changes to our weekly Mass schedules are always listed here in ‘Latest News’.



Please see the notice on this week’s Newssheet about the Kerala floods SVP appeal, and remembering that some of our regular parishioners were originally from that region. Please pray for them.

Please remember that any last-minute changes to our weekly Mass schedules are always listed here in ‘Latest News’.



Many thanks to all who have helped serve food and drinks on our recent pilgrimages.

We are also looking for a little help with serving a sandwich lunch at app 1pm to a pilgrim group from the US on Saturday 25th August. If you are able to help, please sign up on the sheet in the Church Room or see Fr David, Susan or Geoff. Thank you.

Please remember that any last-minute changes to our weekly Mass schedules are always listed here in ‘Latest News’.



All are welcome on Wednesday of this week (15th August), which is the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass at 12 noon followed by a shared picnic lunch. The Woking Catenian Circle will also be with us. Please sign the sheet in the Church Room. 

Please remember that any last-minute changes to our weekly Mass schedules are always listed here in ‘Latest News’.



Please note that a Mass for the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, will be celebrated on Monday 6th at 12 noon in the Bl. Francis Bell Chapel. 

Also, please note there will be NO Sunday afternoon Holy Hour this month. 

Please remember that any last-minute changes to our weekly Mass schedules are always listed here in ‘Latest News’.