- This Wednesday evening (6 December) we have an important Parish Meeting at 7.30pm, to present and discuss Bishop Richard’s Diocesan Mission: ‘The Word who is Life – Vision for Mission’. All parishioners are most welcome.
- Holy Hour for Vocations to the Priesthood: the first Sunday of each month at the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation – starting today (3rd Dec.) from 3pm to 4pm, and concluding with Benediction.
- If you don’t already do so, could we suggest you GiftAid your regular Offering via a monthly Bankers Standing Order. Standing Order forms can be found at the entrance to the church, or there is another way of Gift Aid Giving – through our Parish Website http://www.consolation.org.uk. Thank you indeed.
- Three priests will be available to hear Confessions on Monday 18th December from 7.30pm to 9.00pm.